Graphic Descriptions of Murder
Graphic Descriptions of Malicious Body Transformation
Graphic Descriptions of Gore (Blood, Bone, Organs, ect.)
Mercy Kill via lethal injection (off-screen)
Panic and Fear
Graphic Descriptions of Vomiting up Gore
Graphic Descriptions of Broken Necks
Graphic Descriptions of Crushed and Torn Bodies
Graphic Descriptions of Malicious Body Transformation (this is not a drill!)
A little too flippant attitude over deaths just witnessed
References to Emotional Breakdowns
Welcome to The Essential How-To Guide for the Engineering Jedi, written by Jackdaw_Kraai and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at Enjoy!