12 Girl From Nowhere

Welcome to The Gods Have Horns, written by Callmesalticidae and Shadow_Wasserson, and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!

11 Come Into My Parlor

Welcome to The Gods Have Horns, written by Callmesalticidae and Shadow_Wasserson, and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!

10 The Blossoming Almond Tree

Welcome to The Gods Have Horns, written by Callmesalticidae and Shadow_Wasserson, and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!

09 Twelve Ways Apocalypse: A Guide to the Zodiac

Welcome to The Gods Have Horns, written by Callmesalticidae and Shadow_Wasserson, and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!