24 – Let There Be Light 26 – A Sword-Day

24 – Let There Be Light 2Welcome to Flashbangs and Frag Grenades, written by Calchexxis and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!

24 – Let There Be Light 25 – Sungate

Welcome to Flashbangs and Frag Grenades, written by Calchexxis and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!

24 – Let There Be Light 24 – Happy Progress Day

Welcome to Flashbangs and Frag Grenades, written by Calchexxis and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!

24 – Let There Be Light 23 – Heroes Die First

Welcome to Flashbangs and Frag Grenades, written by Calchexxis and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!

24 – Let There Be Light 22 – Parabellum – A Little Reason

24 – Let There Be LightWelcome to Flashbangs and Frag Grenades, written by Calchexxis and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!

24 – Let There Be Light 21 – Parabellum – Lady Glasc

Welcome to Flashbangs and Frag Grenades, written by Calchexxis and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!

24 – Let There Be Light 20 – Reprisal

Welcome to Flashbangs and Frag Grenades, written by Calchexxis and read by Sam Gabriel! This story is serialized in the form of multiple fics with different names, recorded and presented in order on this feed. All text can be found on ao3. My website can be found at http://samgabrielvo.com. Enjoy!